How we aim to help
We always endeavour to provide a high quality of product and service to our customers but in the event of something going wrong, we do need to know the problem so that we can put it right.
A call to our main telephone number 020 8429 0383 or an email to will ensure that your concerns are dealt with as promptly as possible.
Any complaints are registered with our Service Department and are logged onto the company’s customer system.
The Service Department will investigate the problem and arrange to resolve any issues (within the Company Terms and Conditions overleaf).
We always try to accommodate customers within a reasonable time frame and any arranged service calls are booked on a specific date (Monday to Friday) for either a morning or afternoon appointment.
Due to the low level of remedial works, we generally dedicate just one day each week for our Service Engineer to attend, however, in the event of an urgent situation we will make every effort to resolve the problem on a different day and as speedily as possible.
If replacement parts are required, the company will order the relevant goods and arrange for fitment as soon as possible after they have been dispatched to the company from the manufacturer concerned.
The Window Centre is a member of the GGF and in the event of any dispute arising between the company and the customer it may be suggested that the dispute is referred to TGAS ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution)
For complaints regarding Novuna Finance, please contact them directly. If your issue is still not resolved, please contact The Finance Ombudsman.